Monday, November 30, 2015

Post 8 K. Ellis 4.15 The student will recognize, create, and extend numerical and geometric patterns.


     A lesson for geometric patterns that is very good is from Learn Zillion. Learn Zillion is a wonderful site to use when updating your lessons or coming up with new lesson material. The videos are not long which helps keep students attentive during the lesson. Learn Zillion has both  geometric patterns and number patterns, Learn Zillion There are many more lessons worth taking reviewing and fit in better with your lesson.

    I have downloaded some new smartboard lessons. I have not used them as of yet. I want to use these lessons as a review of patterns the last week we are in school before the Christmas break. Here is the link to my Google Drive folder.
My Google Drive Folder

    My students love Brain Pop Jr. Here is  the link for it.Brain Pop Jr. Brain Pop Jr. keeps the lesson simple and understandable. I use the lesson for back ground knowledge.

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