Friday, November 20, 2015

Post 3 K. Ellis Math 4.12 a,b Polygons

    Polygons!!! They are everywhere!! This is one lesson I love to teach!! My students have a blast learning and I love watching them learn!! I begin the lesson by discussing and using interactive notes to introduced  the vocabulary and what is a polygon. I add the different quadrilaterals while introducing quadrilaterals. Depending on your time, you can make copies of the notes or have the students make their own notes. Next, I show students the video of a Polygon. Polygon Song.Youtube. The students love it!
    On day two of the lesson, I have the students decide if they want to make up a song, cheer, or a story explaining what is a polygon and naming them. Students are put in groups of four to make up, practice, and learn their polygons. While students are practicing, I go around and ask each student to tell me what they know about polygons (formative assessment). My closure is to let students tell me about the polygons they have learned. Students will present their song, cheer, or story the next day.
    I duplicated a quick formative assessment using Kahoot. The students love to play Kahoot. Also, it gives me a quick assessment on how my students are doing. Kahoot.Kahoot.

**Here is a recording of two of my students sharing their polygon story. Voicethread.Voicethread

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