Saturday, November 21, 2015

Post 5 K. Ellis 4.10 a, b Points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines

      This blog is all about 4.10 a,b  points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines. My fourth grade students enjoy learning about Geometry but I must admit I needed to update my material when presenting this lesson. I am so glad that I have taken the Web 2.0 class. I have learn about so many sites that I can use to update my lessons! I am so excited about these new ideas  I am going to use in my lessons. Here are some sites/lessons that I have found that I have included in my lesson plans for 4.10.


     I have needed some new ideas to spice up my  lessons and have found some really neat lessons already made up on Prezi. I am amazed of the technology that is out there and how it is changing the way I teach and how my students are learning. Prezi Click here.
   I have realized  that Learn Zillion is a valuable and reliable resource for finding lessons. I am so excited to know about Lean Zillion. It is a site that teachers can use and save a lot of time. Here is a lesson on points, lines, line segments, rays and more.  Learn Zillion. Click here.
   I was also introduced to Blendspace or This site has a lot of very quick videos a teacher can use for hooks in their lesson. A teacher can also create his/her own lesson. I really like this site because the videos are Click here.
    I  love these sites that I have linked in this blog. I hope that you will find them as useful as I have in finding new ideas.

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