Monday, November 16, 2015

Post 1 K. Ellis Introduction

    Welcome! I am so excited to share with you  my updated ideas for Math lessons. My lessons are made from different resources including a lot of good teachers.  My lessons can be incorporated into a third grade lesson plan for students who are ready and  to a fifth grade lesson plan that may need a review.  I hope that your journey through my Blog will be helpful and usable. Every lesson or part of a lesson is for you to add on to your awesome plans or just to update your plans.
     My math lessons will be based of the Virginia Standards of Learning Curriculum.VDOE.  Please add comments. I would love to know how you incorporate these ideas. Also, if you add to these lessons, please share! I love seeing the many different ways a teacher instructs his/her students on understanding Math.
    I sincerely hope that you find some really neat ideas from this Blog. If you would like to see my students blogging click here.

Thank you,

Mrs. Ellis



Here is a site that has some humorous quotes for teachers.Click here.

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