Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Post 9 K. Ellis 4.2 a.Compare, order fractions, mixed numbers b) equivalent fractions c)identify the division statement represents a fraction.

Fractions are so much fun to teach!!
 I begin my lesson with Flocabulary. My students love it! The beat
has my students singing along while learning! Not only are my students
singing and learning, they are dancing with the beat. Flocabulary makes my lesson interactive!

    I found some new material to use!! Check out this lesson on Prezi.
Prezi. The lesson is good for teachers.

    This Prezi lesson is good lesson to use to introduce vocabulary to my students. Prezi

While I was looking for new material for this blog and to update my lesson plans, I found this site. I  really liked how they made up  the power points. I do think my students will enjoy the new look! I am excited! freeclubweb

   I have been  meaning to take a look at this site. I am glad that I did! Check out this Slide Share.Slide Share. I am so thankful for all the new material that I have been shown and have discovered !!

    Here is a youtube video that I know my students are going to enjoy. It is a fraction song that has the lyrics of the Shuffle.youtube.

    Teachers Pay Teachers!! What a blessing to all teachers! Here is a fraction power point from. Teachers Pay Teachers AND IT IS FREE!!

Click here! It is a free power point. Check it out!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Post 8 K. Ellis 4.15 The student will recognize, create, and extend numerical and geometric patterns.


     A lesson for geometric patterns that is very good is from Learn Zillion. Learn Zillion is a wonderful site to use when updating your lessons or coming up with new lesson material. The videos are not long which helps keep students attentive during the lesson. Learn Zillion has both  geometric patterns and number patterns, Learn Zillion There are many more lessons worth taking reviewing and fit in better with your lesson.

    I have downloaded some new smartboard lessons. I have not used them as of yet. I want to use these lessons as a review of patterns the last week we are in school before the Christmas break. Here is the link to my Google Drive folder.
My Google Drive Folder

    My students love Brain Pop Jr. Here is  the link for it.Brain Pop Jr. Brain Pop Jr. keeps the lesson simple and understandable. I use the lesson for back ground knowledge.

Post 7 K. Ellis Math 4.9 Elapsed Time


     I like to use this video as part of my lesson on  teaching elapsed time. I know my students enjoy videos and this video reinforces what I am teaching them about elapsed time. youtube. I use this video to reconfirm what I have taught the day before. It is a good video and could be used for the beginning of the lesson but for my students their interest level would not withstand the video time when they do not understand the concept.
    Here is a video my students like to watch while learning elapsed time. The video uses a T-Chart to teach elapsed time. My preference when teaching elapsed time is to use a T -Chart rather than a time line. Depending on my class preassessment, I will use this video either to introduce elapsed time or wait until I can fill in some gaps about telling time before showing this video. Click here.youtube.
    I was actually looking for new material for my lesson plan when I decided to check in with the site Blendspace, but now is called Tes. I love this site because its keeps the lesson's time under five minutes. Let's face it, our students are gone on to greener pastures after a few minutes if the lesson is not fast paced. Tes.com.  Click here.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Post 6 K. Ellis 4.4 d Solve single step and multi-step addition, subtraction, multiplication problems with whole numbers


    I have made a new Pinterest board to find new material on single and multi-step problems for my students. I hope that you are able to find some great ideas and material that you can use without spending a lot of time looking up material on the internet. Pinterest Click here.
    I have found a lot of problems at 5mathteachingresources. K-5mathteachingresources  I really like how this site has different types of problems in task card form. It is easy to download and the cards can be downloaded in color if you prefer.
    The Common Core worksheets site has a lot of different problems for teachers to use with his/her students. As a teacher, I really like how the site has the problems labeled for different grades. The site also has different kinds of problems. For example, I have the site Common Core worksheets to go directly to multi-step word problems. But if a teacher wants only problems dealing with one particular operation he/she can find  that type of problem by looking under that particular operation. Common Core

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Post 5 K. Ellis 4.10 a, b Points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines

      This blog is all about 4.10 a,b  points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines. My fourth grade students enjoy learning about Geometry but I must admit I needed to update my material when presenting this lesson. I am so glad that I have taken the Web 2.0 class. I have learn about so many sites that I can use to update my lessons! I am so excited about these new ideas  I am going to use in my lessons. Here are some sites/lessons that I have found that I have included in my lesson plans for 4.10.


     I have needed some new ideas to spice up my  lessons and have found some really neat lessons already made up on Prezi. I am amazed of the technology that is out there and how it is changing the way I teach and how my students are learning. Prezi Click here.
   I have realized  that Learn Zillion is a valuable and reliable resource for finding lessons. I am so excited to know about Lean Zillion. It is a site that teachers can use and save a lot of time. Here is a lesson on points, lines, line segments, rays and more.  Learn Zillion. Click here.
   I was also introduced to Blendspace or Tes.com. This site has a lot of very quick videos a teacher can use for hooks in their lesson. A teacher can also create his/her own lesson. I really like this site because the videos are short.Tes.com Click here.
    I  love these sites that I have linked in this blog. I hope that you will find them as useful as I have in finding new ideas.

Post 4 K.Ellis 4.1 Place Value


    On this blog, you will find quick and easy ideas to add to your place value lesson.  Study Jams has a good video that help students see the meaning of place value. It is very basic. I have the students watch the video to reinforce the meaning of  place value by hearing and seeing it from another view.  Study Jams.
    I like to use different videos, power points, and hands on manipulatives to teach my students place value. I like to make sure my students have a good understanding of place value therefore helping students with their number sense. Learn Zillion has a really good video explaining to students what is the meaning of place value.LearnZillion. Also, you can assign your students the lesson.
   Here is my Place Value board on Pinterest. Click here.  I have found a lot of great ideas to use in the classroom while teaching Place Value. I hope that you can find some ideas that will capture your students attention while learning Place Value.
 I have made up  a quick and fun formative assessment using Kahoot. Kahoot. I use it for a quick assessment and to keep my students on the subject.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Post 3 K. Ellis Math 4.12 a,b Polygons

    Polygons!!! They are everywhere!! This is one lesson I love to teach!! My students have a blast learning and I love watching them learn!! I begin the lesson by discussing and using interactive notes to introduced  the vocabulary and what is a polygon. I add the different quadrilaterals while introducing quadrilaterals. Depending on your time, you can make copies of the notes or have the students make their own notes. Next, I show students the video of a Polygon. Polygon Song.Youtube. The students love it!
    On day two of the lesson, I have the students decide if they want to make up a song, cheer, or a story explaining what is a polygon and naming them. Students are put in groups of four to make up, practice, and learn their polygons. While students are practicing, I go around and ask each student to tell me what they know about polygons (formative assessment). My closure is to let students tell me about the polygons they have learned. Students will present their song, cheer, or story the next day.
    I duplicated a quick formative assessment using Kahoot. The students love to play Kahoot. Also, it gives me a quick assessment on how my students are doing. Kahoot.Kahoot.

**Here is a recording of two of my students sharing their polygon story. Voicethread.Voicethread